Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Never Touch a Germy Soap Pump Again!

Hi, kids! Today, I have a special video for you to watch!

So, what'dja think? It's so great! I mean, I always hate how touching a soap pump leaves my hands so germy... I just wish I could do something about those germs that spread onto my hands when I touch that soap pump. It's not like there's anything around the soap pump that would kill those pesky germs...


Words can't describe how much pain the mere concept of this device causes me. The video hurts even more, because these people are actually attempting to sell this horseshit. If my hair was long enough, I'd have already torn half of it out checking the above video for the sake of this post. I literally have to mute the television and avert my eyes when the commercial for this damned thing comes on. It is that painful.

Now, for the sake of beating a dead hooker, here's a pictorial lesson on hand-washing, using a soap pump!

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